This is the year! The year of the big 4-0! On July 31st to be exact. Last year when I turned 39, I began the countdown of saying good bye to my thirties, and unfortunately headed down a road of negative emotions and feelings absolutely dreading my birthday this year.
One day I realized that I was being absolutely ridiculous, I have so many blessings in my life to be thankful for! My marriage, family, faith, friends, career and home (ok maybe a bigger home would nice:-) are all that I could ever ask for! It was time for a major attitude adjustment!!
My inner peace comes from serving others, and what a better way to shed some positive light on this milestone birthday than to perform 40 random acts of kindness during the month of July to celebrate 40 years of a blessed life! My intent for these 40 acts is to make smiles happen and for family, friends, acquaintances and random strangers to have a moment where they feel thankful for an unexpected "gift" they receive.
This blog is meant to provide a history of these 40 acts over the next 31 days, in hopes to inspire others to be kind and discover happiness by giving to others.