Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 13 Act 15

To Tip Or Not To Tip?

That is the question that I usually have whenever I finish shopping for groceries at Fareway.  One of the reasons I continue to shop at Fareway on a (usually two trip) weekly basis, is not only their fair prices, but I also really appreciate that they help you load your groceries into your car. 

I most appreciate that the person that is pushing the cart and loading your car, (usually a high school age teenager), is always friendly and courteous.  I have told Andrew many times, when he is old enough to get a job, that I want him to work at Fareway.  You can just tell that they train their employees to be respectful, courteous and helpful.  All great life skills to have in the working world and to be a functioning member of society.

Today I decided that I was going to actually tip my Fareway helper as my act of kindness.

I have to be honest, this one has probably given me the biggest chuckle of all.  When I went to hand the nice and respectful kid that loaded my groceries today his tip, you would have thought I was handing him poison.  :-)....still chuckling.  He stepped away from me and said, "No that is ok".  Then the two of us played a tiny bit of "tug of war" back and forth on me insisting he take it.  Eventually after about three times of me saying "No I really want you to have it", he conceded. 

So if anyone else ever wonders if you should tip the Fareway kid, the answer is apparently no.  If you try to tip them, you more than likely will receive the same "poisonous" response that I did. 

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